Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Around the World with Santa

Our Beavers loved the Around the World Challenge so much last year they wanted to do it again, so we planned this Around the World with Santa, holiday party version. (There are 2 versions of the Canada station, depending what works best for your group.)

You will need:

  • stamps or stickers
  • pencils
  • crayons
  • ways to play 2 songs off of youtube
  • at least 2 handkerchiefs/flags
  • paper cones
  • dried beans
  • premade pepparkaker (gingerbread)
  • frosting
  • plastic knives or spoons
  • paper plates
  • sprinkles
  • the printouts below

The Northern Lights Ceremony

The Canadian Path created the Northern Lights Ceremony, and the Northern Lights Quest as a way to achieve the North Star section award. Unfo...