Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Indoor Klondike Derby for Beavers

We had Beaver Scouts tonight! I thought since it was Festival du Voyager in Winnipeg this weekend we should take some inspiration from the Voyageurs and do indoor Klondike Derby (Since it is -37⁰C with the windchill, so not great for 5-8 year olds after dark outside.) 

We divided the boys into teams of 3 and each team got a cardboard sled with a shopping basket on top to carry all their items they needed around to all the stations.

Station 1 - Learning to dress to stay warm and dry for the winter.

Station 2 - Setting up their bed roll in a tent, then sitting in the tent for story time. 

Station 3 - Collecting firewood. Learning about campfire safety. Then cooking s'mores using our electronic s'mores maker. (The marshmallows actually can light fire if you get them too close, so that is extra exciting.)

Station 4 - Learning to find the North Star, and looking at maps of the constellations through a telescope.

It was extra exciting that we arrived at the hall to find it set up with items for the food bank that we had to work around. The boys had a blast!

The Northern Lights Ceremony

The Canadian Path created the Northern Lights Ceremony, and the Northern Lights Quest as a way to achieve the North Star section award. Unfo...