Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Diversity Trees and Online Meetings

These sure are crazy times! I never would've imagined having virtual Beaver meetings via Zoom, but welcome to 2020! Tonight was our first meeting with 5 Beavers and 5 Scouters!

Hawkeye came up with a great activity called Diversity Trees, since it was Earth Day. The idea of the game is to show that we are stronger when we work together, just like a forest! 

1. Make sure all your Beavers are sitting.
2. A scouter explains that when you hear your favourite colour you should stand and pretend to be a tree.
3. Call out colours until everyone is standing.
4. When everyone is standing e plain that when trees stand alone they could be in danger of strong winds and storms. Have the Beavers pretend they are in a strong storm and have them all fall down.
5. Tell the Beavers you are going to try again, but this time you are going to be trees in a forest. Have them sit down and call out colours one by one again.
6. When everyone is standing get them to reach out their arms in a T shape so it looks like a virtual hug. Explain the wind cannot blow over trees if they stick together
7. Now they are in the forest and when the wind blows they will only sway back and forth.

Now that your Beavers know how to make a virtual forest, you can also get them to stand like this for opening and closing so it is like a virtual circle where everyone is holding hands.

Good luck Beavers, and busy building!


Hi Everyone!

You can call me Rainbow. I am a Beaver Scouter from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. 

I am hoping to use this blog to share different Beaver Scout activities and ideas for incorporating the Canadian Path. Join me on this adventure!

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