Wednesday, January 18, 2023

The Northern Lights Ceremony

The Canadian Path created the Northern Lights Ceremony, and the Northern Lights Quest as a way to achieve the North Star section award. Unfortunately, the ceremony is a bit vague on how it should be done. 

It says that the Northern Lights Ceremony should occur 6 months before the white tails should be receiving their North Star Awards. This means it will probably be in January. It also says it should ideally be outside. 

Being that our group is in Manitoba, having a ceremony outside is a bit iffy in January since it could be very cold. As such we chose to stay inside for it.

The brown and blue tails line up in River Banks. Each has a glowstick to wave around. They have been told they have a special job to be the northern lights. 

The white tails walk in through the middle of the riverbanks to meet a section scouter at the front. At this point their would get their tails and certificates, but it feels a bit flat to just leave it at that. 

I decided to write a new beaver story for the occasion. Feel free to use it in your own ceremony. I also made a nicer certificate.

Scouts Canada, Northern Lights Ceremony, Keeo, Aurora, North Star Award
The Northern Lights Quest Story

One frozen winter night Keeo heard a strange crackling noise outside the lodge. The other beavers were fast asleep and Keeo decided to go take a look. Outside on the icy pond he could see a clear sky and a big round moon. The air was crisp. Suddenly he saw colours dancing in the sky. Blue, green, white, and tiny ribbons of pink.

"Wow," said Keeo, "I have never seen this before."

"Do you like my dancing?" asked a voice.

"Who are you?" asked Keeo.

"I am Aurora, the northern lights. Who are you?"

"I am Keeo, the talking beaver."

"I have never seen a silver beaver before."

"I have never seen the northern lights before." said Keeo.

"You can only see me on cold winter nights if you look to the North. I can guide you on your quest." said Aurora.

"What quest?" asked Keeo.

"I can see you are almost ready to go new places and have new adventures," said Aurora, "but first you need to complete the Northern Lights quest."

"How do I do that?" asked Keeo.

"You are on a journey to discover your true north, by following the path of the North Star, Polaris. You can find the North Star in the sky by finding the two bear constellations in the sky, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Sometimes they are also called the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper."

"What do I do then?" asked Keeo.

"You need to learn to navigate this path using the night sky. The stars, the moon, and the northern lights. You need to prove yourself in the Northern Lights Quest by showing that you have outdoors skills, and that you work hard to help your community."

"I think I can do that." said Keeo.

"And you won't be alone," said Aurora, "You can always ask for help from Big Brown beaver, or Malak the owl, or the other beavers in your lodge, or the Jones family."

"Thank you," said Keeo, "I will go back to my lodge and work on my Northern Lights Quest with my family and friends. I was nice to meet you, Aurora."

"It was nice to meet you too Keeo."

Scouts Canada, Northern Lights Ceremony, Aurora, North Star Award

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Around the World with Santa

Our Beavers loved the Around the World Challenge so much last year they wanted to do it again, so we planned this Around the World with Santa, holiday party version. (There are 2 versions of the Canada station, depending what works best for your group.)

You will need:

  • stamps or stickers
  • pencils
  • crayons
  • ways to play 2 songs off of youtube
  • at least 2 handkerchiefs/flags
  • paper cones
  • dried beans
  • premade pepparkaker (gingerbread)
  • frosting
  • plastic knives or spoons
  • paper plates
  • sprinkles
  • the printouts below

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Parent's Night Badges Gallery Walk

Tonight we had a Parent's Night to discuss Personal Achievement badges because a lot of parents were confused about how to complete badge work with their child. We decided to set it up as a gallery walk. Instead of wine and cheese we had goldfish crackers and grapes. We also had coffee, tea, and iced tea available for parents, Beavers, and siblings. On the walls around the hall we posted information about badges (lifted from the Scout Wiki), as well as art the Beavers had made a previous week. We had the plan do review sheet for Personal Achievement badges for parents.

We also had basic information about Personal Achievement Badges and Outdoor Adventure Skills badges. (The OAS badges, we focused on water-related skills because Beavers can't get them with the colony unless there is a lifeguard present.)

In addition we had badge passports for each Beaver and sibling. Using dollar store self-inking stamps the Beavers recorded each poster they visited with their parents. Of course, this wasn't enough to keep them busy the whole time, so we had set out tables with 3 activities related to various badges that they could complete.

We also read one chapter from Friends of the Forest. 

Since it was such a hit I thought I would share. I have also made up activities for other badges so you can use this model each year with 3-4 different activities without the older Beavers getting bored.

Supplies You Will Need:
  • clear tape
  • masking tape/painters tape
  • posters with Personal Achievement Badge info
  • badge passport
  • planning sheet
  • coffee, tea, and fixings
  • spoons
  • cups
  • plates or bowls
  • grapes
  • goldfish or other cheese flavoured crackers
  • iced tea or lemonade
  • pencils
  • tables
  • chairs
  • self-inking stamps
  • string (to attach stamps to each poster)
  • activity sheets for 3-4 activities related to badges
  • Friends of the Forest
  • artwork made by Beavers for display

Other supplies you may need:
  • glue sticks
  • scissors
  • crayons
  • grocery store flyers
  • white paper
  • tear away links to Scouts Wiki for Personal Achievement badges

Personal Achievement Badges Links

OAS Skills Links

Musical Beaver

Find below info about the Musical Beaver badge and an activity for Parent Night. (No supplies needed.)

Beavers of the World

Find below info about the Beavers of the World badge and an activity for Parent Night. (You will need pencils.)

Canada Beaver

Find below info about the Canada Beaver badge and an activity for Parent Night. (You will need crayons.)

Community Beaver

Find below info about the Community Beaver badge and an activity for Parent Night. (You will need crayons.)

The Northern Lights Ceremony

The Canadian Path created the Northern Lights Ceremony, and the Northern Lights Quest as a way to achieve the North Star section award. Unfo...